Thursday, November 20, 2014

Light, Mountains and Clouds

I absolutely love the mountains. And clouds.  I really can't get enough of either.  Put them both together and I am in heaven!  Exploring the breathtaking and majestic beauty of this wonderful state is one of my all time favorite things to do.  What I find so amazing is that the landscape is always changing.  You can drive past the exact same mountain range 100 times and it will have a different personality each and every time. It has everything to do with the light. 

This small 6x6 oil was painted from a photo I snapped while driving home from a day trip looking at fall foliage.  The drastic sunset behind the range, the repetition of the gently curving fields in the foreground, paired with the back lit rain clouds made it magnificent.  Although I am happy with how this turned out, I really want to revisit this particular scene and play with the values and brushstrokes a bit more.  

Time to get to work now, I'm off to lock myself in the studio for the day!! 

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